WSP pile Process in Plaxis 2D

Hi all and    

Task: I need to model the WSP pile installation in the soil and see the influence zone of it to do the impact assessment. The pressure varies from 2MPa to 20MPa as shown in the table below.

This huge pressure can't be applied as line load as soil will be collapsed.

Solution: So applied as the water pressure using user-defined option.

Problem encountered: Normally while pipe is moving grouting is ejected circumference as shown below.

but when we provided that pressure as water pressure (user defined) the pressure distribution is all four sides as shown below.

Due to this additional pressure up and down applied and when the model reached the top surface (due to the vertical pressure) soil seemed to be collapsed and to encounter this same pressure should be applied from the top to pass (if it is small one). If it is large pressure then line load tips are seemed to be collapsed as shown in the below figures.

   Output =>  

So please tell how to model this grouting pressure in Plaxis 2D ?
