Exporting cross-section table results from Plaxis 2D to .txt file

Greetings all,

I am currently running several thousands of dynamic nonlinear deformation analysis with approximately 15 k elements per model. As you may understand, with such numbers it is difficult to evaluate results manually.

I was able to prepare the models automatically following the command line outcomes but when it comes to post-processing, command lines do not show the commands for every step.

For example, to cut a cross-section and extract results manually, following is what I do:

1. Cut the cross-section using Tools>Cross section

2- Select the output type (say horizontal displacement at that phase)

3 - Click on the table icon by right clicking on the cross section

4 - Select all data

5 - Export to .txt

After doing this manually, I am able to utilize python because at this point it is independent of Plaxis.

Is there any way to do above 5 steps automatically by "Run Commands" option? I am a python user and I have tried to follow the python scripting guidelines but found it difficult to understand and put the pieces together to do what I want to do above.

Thank you


  • With the command runner alone, you will not be able to export the data to a text file. 

    To make cross-sections and automatically export the data, I suggest to use Python as you already mentioned.

    Here is a good starter:


    And instead of putting the results in a plot, you can write this to a text file. Based on the above example, you could make it like this:

    import os
    from plxscripting.easy import *
    # initialize PLAXIS OUTPUT
    port = "YOUR OUTPUT PORT"
    password = r'YOUR PASSWORD'
    s_o, g_o = new_server('localhost', port, password=password)
    def gather_results(phase, resultobjects, start, end, sample_count=16):
        """ retrieves the results for the given line from start to end """
        step = [(e - s) / (sample_count - 1) for e, s in zip(end, start)]
        results = []
        for i in range(sample_count):
            position = (start[0] + i * step[0],
                        start[1] + i * step[1])
            # first two values are the coordinates:
            values = [position[0], position[1]]
            for resultobj in resultobjects:
                result_string = g_o.getsingleresult(phase,
                # check if position lies outside the mesh
                if result_string == "not found":
                    raise Exception("Used getsingleresult for point outside mesh.")
            # add the row
        return results
    def writeresults(folder, phase, resultobjects, results):
        """ writing the data to a text file
        :param folder: path to the folder where the data will be saved
        :param phase: phase object, the name will be used to create the name
        :param resultobjects: list of result objects, to be used for the table header
        :param results: list of results
        :return: .txt filename
        txtfile = os.path.join(folder, 'results_{}.txt'.format(phase.Name.value))
        rows = []
        # first two entries are X and Y for 2D:
        header = ["X", "Y"]
        header.extend([str(i) for i in resultobjects])
        # construct text lines for the results
        delimiter = '\t'
        txtlines = []
        for row in rows:
            txtlines.append(delimiter.join([str(cell) for cell in row]))
        # write text file
        with open(txtfile, 'w') as f:
        return txtfile
    def getResultsMultiplePhases():
        """ gets results for multiple phases and writes them to a text file """
        sample_count = 16
        start = (4.0, 4.0)
        end = (4.0, -10)
        # assumes that start and end contain floats
        resultobjects = []
        phases = [g_o.Phase_3, g_o.Phase_4]
        folder = r'D:\test data'
        for phase in phases:
            results = gather_results(phase, resultobjects, start, end, sample_count)
            newfile = writeresults(folder, phase, resultobjects, results)
            print('Created:', newfile)

    Alternatively, you want to use the report generator to save the table of a cross-section to a Saved View. But for this, you would need to redo this for every model, but at least you can automate this for every phase in each PLAXIS project file.

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