How to model contact that only transfers axial compression but no axial tension and shear in Plaxis?

Hi guys,

How can I model this type of contact between surfaces?  Thanks for the help.

  • Hi,

    I presume when you say axial compression/tension you mean in fact normal compression/tension. Because axial compression is along one of the in-plane axis, so that won't be a contact stress.
    The easiest solution would be to use an interface and assign the interface its own material set. Specify a very low strength in the interface material set (theoretically you would like it to be zero, but numerically that won't work - so give it a low cohesion and a zero friction angle) to limit the shear to almost zero and with the default tension cut-off option of the material normal tension can be set to zero.

    With kind regards,

    Dennis Waterman