PLAXIS Monopile Designer CE V21.00.01 Release notes

New in PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V21 - Service Release 1

Release: February 2021

PLAXIS Monopile Designer CONNECT Edition V21 ( contains the following improvements and updates compared to PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4:

New features

Renaming to PLAXIS Monopile Designer
Renamed PLAXIS MoDeTo to PLAXIS Monopile Designer.
Target displacement at mudline for Calibration
The geometry data set parameter 'imposed displacement at pile top', vmax,z=h, was replaced by 'relative target displacement at mudline', vg/Dout. This change provides more control when the calculation is completed, thereby reducing the time required for Calibration.
Updated Python environments
Updated Python environments to remove security vulnerabilities on some of the included packages.

Fixed issues

A large number of issues have been addressed, including:

Download links

You can update to the latest version using the CONNECTION Client, or download the installer via Bentley System's Software downloads.