Use pressures from previous phase-option gives wrong pore pressures after changing the previous phas

ApplicationPLAXIS 3D
Issue status✔ Solved
First Affected VersionPLAXIS 3D 2012.00
Found in VersionPLAXIS 3D 2012.00
Fixed and Released in VersionPLAXIS 3D 2013.01
Issue #19560
Date created20 August 2013
Date modified24 October 2016

Problem description

For phases that do not have their own pore pressure settings, but take the pore pressures from the previous phase (i.e. pore pressure calculation type “Use pressures from previous phase“), the water pressures and -settings are not updated in the data files once the water pressures and water settings are generated for these phases with the “Use pressures from previous phase“-option.

Typical calculation types where this occurs are:

It will lead to incorrect pore pressure settings in for example these scenarios:

It is not a problem when:


This issue has been fixed since PLAXIS 3D 2013.01

For older versions (3D2013.0), a manual workaround is available: use

__writephasestomesh SomePhase True

With SomePhase is the object name of the phase that uses the “Use pressures from previous phase”-option (Phase_2, Phase_3, etc)

Advanced workaround

With the set of commands below, it is possible to do this in one go via the Expert > Commands Runner option for any configuration of phases:

groupfiltered Phases "ShouldCalculate=True"
groupfiltered groups[-1] "PorePresCalctype=Use pressures from previous phase"
__writephasestomesh groups[-1] True
ungroup groups[-1]
ungroup groups[-1]

Even more convenient would be to assign this to a Macro (see also the Expert menu), so it can be called via the Expert menu with a single click.