Codemeter Network Installation

ApplicationPLAXIS 2D
Date created30 May 2011
Date modified05 October 2021

All dongle/hardware lock (HWL) based versions of PLAXIS 2D/3D are treated as "V8i SELECTseries 10" according to Bentley's Support Policy. This means that Bentley will discontinue support for hardware lock based versions of PLAXIS after December 31, 2021. This includes PLAXIS 2D 2019 and older, and PLAXIS 3D 2018 and older.

To see the benefits of the latest versions and how to get the latest version, please see PLAXIS CONNECT Edition: upgrade from Hardware lock to Flexible licensing

How to install Plaxis with a network CodeMeter dongle (grey USB key).

  1. Install Plaxis software on the client PC
  2. Install the latest CodeMeter drivers from the Plaxis website
  3. Install the same driver version on the server
  4. Insert the CodeMeter USB key in the server.
  5. On the server, open the CodeMeter WebAdmin, browse to Configuration and check the Run Network Server option
  6. Restart the CodeMeter Service on the server (Open the CodeMeter Control Center, go to the menu Process and  choose "Restart CodeMeter Service".
  7. When using the IPv6 protocol (and not IPv4), always fill in the IP address of the Server in the Server Search list on the client pc. This can be done in the following tab-sheet of the local PC's WebAdmin ( http://localhost:22350/configuration/server_search_list.html ). This should be done on the client PC, not on the server.
  8. In most cases, it should work now.

Trouble shooting

Note: trouble shooting tips are updated for CodeMeter Version 6

See also

Codemeter Drivers    [Downloads]

PLAXIS Silent Installation    [Tips and Tricks]