Application of commands: echo

ApplicationPLAXIS 2D
VersionPLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition
Date created11 April 2014
Date modified01 November 2022

 The echo command can be used to display the details of the PLAXIS project:

0004> echo
    Project named "Project"
    Title: "Excavation in Sand"
    Company: "Seequent - The Bentley Subsurface Company"
    UnitForce: kN (1)
    UnitLength: m (2)
    UnitTime: day (3)
    WaterWeight: 10
    Gravity: 9.81
    ReferenceTemperature: 293.15
    LiquidSpecificHeatCapacity: 4181.3
    LiquidThermalConductivity: 0.0006
    LiquidLatentHeat: 334000
    LiquidThermalExpansion: 0.00021
    LiquidTemperature: 293.15
    IceSpecificHeatCapacity: 2108
    IceThermalConductivity: 0.0022200000000000003
    IceThermalExpansion: 5E-5
    VapourSpecificHeatCapacity: 1930
    VapourThermalConductivity: 2.5E-5
    VapourSpecificGasConstant: 461.5
    UseTemperatureDepWaterPropsTable: False
    TemperatureDepWaterPropsTable: 36 rows, 5 columns: Temperature, Density, ThermalConductivity, SpecificHeatCapacity, DynamicViscosity
    Mode: Soil (0)
    GravityDirection: 3

Or the information for an object like a point in PLAXIS 2D:

0007> echo Point_1
    Point named "Point_1"
    x: 1
    y: 2    

And in PLAXIS 3D:

0007> echo Point_1
    Point named "Point_1"
    x: 1
    y: 2
    z: 0    

Detailed information

This echo command can also be used to retrieve more detailed information than is available via the standard User Interface options: in the PLAXIS user interface, numbers are shown by default with 4 significant figures (adjust under the Options menu). When coordinates are defined in more significant figures, you can still see the exact value of such a parameter by using the echo command.


Polygon in PLAXIS 2D

0009> echo Polygon_1
    Polygon named "Polygon_1"
    x: 2.5
    y: 30
    Points: PlxHelperPointList named "Polygon_1.Points"
    Count: 4
    0/-4. HelperPoint named "Polygon_1.Points[0]"
    1/-3. HelperPoint named "Polygon_1.Points[1]"
    2/-2. HelperPoint named "Polygon_1.Points[2]"
    3/-1. HelperPoint named "Polygon_1.Points[3]"
    Features: 1
    Soil named "Soil_2" on Polygon_1
    Material: SoilMat named "Core"
    ApplyStrengthReduction: True
    Features: 3
    WaterConditions named "WaterConditions_2" on Soil_2
    Conditions: Global level (0)
    VolumeStrain named "VolumeStrain_2" on Soil_2
    ThermalConditions named "ThermalConditions_2" on Soil_2
    TemperatureConditions: None (0)
    EnergyConditions: None (0)
    0: (2.5; 30)
    1: (10; 0)
    2: (-10; 0)
    3: (-2.5; 30)

Surface in PLAXIS 3D

0231> echo Polygon_1
    Polygon named "Polygon_1"
    x: 34
    y: 19
    z: 0
    AxisFunction: Automatic (0)
    0: (34; 19; 0)
    1: (41; 19; 0)
    2: (41; 12; 0)
    3: (34; 12; 0)

Water levels in PLAXIS 2D

0120> echo FullReservoir_Steady
    UserWaterLevel named "FullReservoir_Steady"
    WaterSegments: WaterSegments named "WaterSegments_1"
    Count: 3
    0/-3. WaterSegment named "WaterSegment_1"
    1/-2. WaterSegment named "WaterSegment_2"
    2/-1. WaterSegment named "WaterSegment_3"
    0: (-132; 25)
    1: (-10; 25)
    2: (93; -10)
    3: (132; -10)

Water levels in PLAXIS 3D

0303> echo High_Reservoir
    UserWaterLevel named "High_Reservoir"
    0: (-130; 0; 25)
    1: (-10; 0; 25)
    2: (93; 0; -10)
    3: (130; 0; -10)
    4: (130; 50; -10)
    5: (93; 50; -10)
    6: (-10; 50; 25)
    7: (-130; 50; 25)

Show all properties

The echo command will show all properties for an object, see e.g. the echo Point_1 command above. Also, this echo command can be used to retrieve the correct name for any property/parameter and its correct upper/lower casing for the Python wrapper for Remote Scripting.

Below is an example to show all parameters and their values for a soil material and a phase.

Example of a Mohr-Coulomb material

0038> echo Sand
    SoilMat named "Sand"
    Identification: "Sand"
    SoilModel: Mohr-Coulomb (2)
    DrainageType: Drained (0)
    Colour: 15262369
    Comments: ""
    gammaUnsat: 17 kN/m³
    gammaSat: 20 kN/m³
    eInit: 0.5
    nInit: 0.33333333333333331
    RayleighDampingInputMethod: SDOF equivalent (1)
    RayleighAlpha: 0
    RayleighBeta: 0
    TargetDamping1: 0 %
    TargetDamping2: 0 %
    TargetFrequency1: 0.1 Hz
    TargetFrequency2: 1 Hz
    ERef: 13000 kN/m²
    nu: 0.3
    GRef: 5000 kN/m²
    EOed: 17500 kN/m²
    EInc: 0 kN/m²/m
    verticalRef: 0 m
    Vs: 53.714933841968557 m/s
    Vp: 100.49143949493762 m/s
    cRef: 1 kN/m²
    phi: 30 °
    psi: 0 °
    cInc: 0 kN/m²/m
    verticalRef: 0 m
    TensionCutOff: True
    TensileStrength: 0 kN/m²
    ExcessPorePressureDetermination: nu-undrained definition (0)
    UndrainedNuDefinitionMethod: Direct (0)
    nuUEquivalent: 0.495
    SkemptonB: 0.97826086956521715
    Kwn: 487499.99999999968 kN/m²
    GroundwaterClassificationType: Standard (0)
    GroundwaterSoilClassStandard: Coarse (0)
    ClayFraction: 10 %
    SiltFraction: 13 %
    SandFraction: 77 %
    GwUseDefaults: False
    PermHorizontalPrimary: 0 m/day
    PermVertical: 0 m/day
    VoidRatioDependency: False
    cK: 1000000000000000
    nInit: 0.33333333333333331
    GwPsiUnsat: 10000 m
    ThCs: 0 kJ/t/K
    ThLambdaS: 0 kW/m/K
    rhoS: 2.6 t/m³
    ThermalExpansionType: Isotropic (1)
    ThAlphaSV: 0 1/K
    PhaseChange: False
    Dv: 0 m²/day
    fTv: 0
    InterfaceStiffnessDetermination: Derived (0)
    InterfaceStrengthDetermination: Rigid (0)
    Rinter: 1
    GapClosure: True
    CrossPermeability: Impermeable (0)
    DrainageConductivity: 0 m³/day/m
    Rthermal: 0 m²·K/kW
    K0Determination: Automatic (0)
    K0Primary: 0.5
    K0Secondary: 0.5

In the example above, we assumed we have a material with the name Sand.

Example of a phase

0039> echo Phase_1
    Phase named "Phase_1"
    Number: 1
    Identification: "Indentation"
    PreviousPhase: InitialPhase named "InitialPhase"
    DeformCalcType: Plastic (4)
    PorePresCalcType: Phreatic (0)
    MaxCores: 256
    LogInfo: "OK"
    MaxStepsStored: 1
    TimeInterval: 0
    ShouldCalculate: False
    CalculationResult: OK (1)
    FirstStep: 1
    LastStep: 185
    SpecialOption: 0
    UseCompressionForResultFiles: False
    Features: 3
    Deform named "Deform_1" on Phase_1
    UseDefaultIterationParams: True
    MaxSteps: 1000
    ToleratedError: 0.01
    OverRelaxation: 1.2
    LoadingType: Staged construction (1)
    UseUpdatedMesh: False
    UseUpdatedWaterPressures: False
    IgnoreSuction: True
    UseCavitationCutOff: False
    CavitationStress: 100
    ArcLengthControl: On (1)
    MaxUnloadingSteps: 5
    MaxLoadFractionPerStep: 0.5
    UseSubspaceAccelerator: False
    SubspaceSize: 3
    UseLineSearch: False
    UseGradualError: False
    IgnoreUndrainedBehaviour: False
    ResetDisplacementsToZero: True
    ResetStateVariables: False
    ResetSmallStrain: True
    ResetTime: False
    MaxIterations: 60
    DesiredMinIterations: 6
    DesiredMaxIterations: 15
    SumMweight: 1
    Features: 1
    Loading named "Loading_1" on Deform_1
    SumMstage: 1
    Reached named "Reached_1" on Phase_1
    Time: 0
    RelativeStiffness: 0.019014589100625117
    Pmax: 0
    SumMstage: 1
    SumMweight: 1
    SumMsf: 1
    AngularForceX: 0
    AngularForceY: -93.56190075864457
    Flow named "Flow_1" on Phase_1
    ThermalCalcType: Ignore temperature (0)

Get specific property info

The echo command can also be used to get information for a specific object property. Examples:

Note, to change such a property, the set command or the setproperties command can be used:

For more details on the echo command or any other command, please refer to the Plaxis Command Reference, available via the Help menu.

See also