3D MPA Example

Application3D SVSLOPEĀ 

The purpose of the multi-plane analysis feature is to find the locations and approximate factors of safety for critical sliding masses in a model where the slope failure location is not obvious. For example, in an open pit or river bank site, there are many potential slope failure locations. It is tedious and time-consuming to test each possible location one at a time through a sequence of analysis. The multi-plane analysis feature allows quick and easy examination of many locations and sliding directions throughout the model, all at once.

This example is used to illustrate the multi-plane analysis of a three-dimensional slope stability model for the slope of an open pit using 3D analysis. We will perform slope stability analysis on an open pit model using the 3D multi-plane analysis feature. This tutorial is to demonstrate the core functionalities of multi-plane analysis. Setup of 3D multi-plane analysis is performed the same way as in 2D multi-plane analysis, with the main difference being in the availability of search method options.

