PLAXIS MoDeTo CE V20.04.00 Release notes

New in PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4

Release: September 2020

PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4 ( contains the following improvements and updates compared to PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 3:

New features

Improved regeneration for the design verification model
Improved regeneration for the design verification model, for cases where only the workload values are changed.
Copy - Paste in input tables
Input tables in soil and calibration modes now accommodate copying and pasting of values.
Change in default value of max load fraction per step in 1D analysis
The default value of max load fraction per step in 1D analyses has been changed to 0.01, enabling smoother results without a significant increase in calculation time.
Improved visualization of the step changes
Improved visualization of the step changes at layer transactions on shaft depth variation function charts.
Import multiple soil reaction curves
Added functionality to import multiple soil reaction curves files in analysis mode.
Technology preview: Export to SACS improved
Improved algorithm for simplification of the curves that are exported to SACS. Added support for exporting pile base curves to SACS.

Fixed issues

A large number of issues have been addressed, including:

Download links

You can update to the latest version using the CONNECTION Client, or download the installer via Bentley System's Software downloads.