PLAXIS Calculation Manager does not save in PLAXIS CONNECT Edition V22.00

ApplicationPLAXIS 2D
Issue status  Solved
First Affected VersionPLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22.00
PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V22.00
Found in VersionPLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22.00
PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V22.00
Fixed and Released in VersionPLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22.01
PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V22.01
Issue #791427
Date created04 February 2022
Date modified05 May 2022

Problem description

The PLAXIS Calculation Manager is a Python tool that allows for running multiple PLAXIS 2D and/or PLAXIS 3D calculations automatically.

In the PLAXIS CONNECT Edition V22.00, the Calculation Manager returns an error when trying to save the projects after the calculation finishes. An example of this error is illustrated below:


This is now solved in PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22 Update 1 and PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V22 Update 1 (released May 2022).

For older versions, as a temporary workaround, it is also possible to manually use Python scripting to replicate the functionality of the Calculation Manager. Here, a simple solution is provided for PLAXIS 2D. The same approach as a workaround can be used for PLAXIS 3D.

import subprocess

# list with projects to be calculated
projects_to_run = [r'C:\Projects\Project_1.p2dx',

# setting constants
plx_input_path = r"C:\Program Files\Bentley\Geotechnical\PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V22\Plaxis2DXInput.exe"
plx_input_port = 10000
plx_input_pass = r'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# launch PLAXIS application with port and password
plx_2D_i = subprocess.Popen([plx_input_path,

# boilerplate for PLAXIS remote scripting server
from plxscripting.easy import *
s_i, g_i = new_server('localhost', plx_input_port, password=plx_input_pass)

# for-loop that will run all projects from the list
for project in projects_to_run:
    print('Running: {}'.format(project))


To run the Python script:

  1. Launch PLAXIS 2D Input (or PLAXIS 3D).
  2. On a new project select the menu option: Expert > Python > Editor.
  3. You will be prompted to activate the remote scripting server. Note down the port number and password and activate the remote scripting server.
  4. Use the code from the provided Python script.
  5. Update the port and password in the code.
  6. Update the list of projects to be calculated (full paths required) – list: projects_to_run.
  7. Close the PLAXIS application entirely.
  8. Run the Python script (F5).

Note that if you are interested in running the script directly without closing the PLAXIS application (step 7), you can comment out the lines #40 - #42 and #56 in the code (add a # in front of them) to skip the launching and closing of the PLAXIS application (using the subprocess module).

Alternatively, one can follow the information shared in the article Practical use of the commands runner: using a batch file to run commands.
