PLAXIS Monopile Designer 2023.2 Release notes

New in PLAXIS Monopile Designer 2023.2.1

Release: October 2023

PLAXIS Monopile Designer 2023.2.1 ( contains the following improvements and updates compared to PLAXIS Monopile Designer 2023.1:

Compatibility notes: Due to the major changes in the material database and the unit system, PLAXIS 2023.2.1 will be installed alongside Version 21, instead of overwriting it. When running the calibration, GeoDS-projects created with PLAXIS CONNECT Edition 3D Version 21 will automatically be saved by PLAXIS Monopile Designer as a converted copy with the _converted suffix.
The PLAXIS CONNECT Edition V21 projects will remain unchanged.

New features

Calibration of multiple ground profiles
The PISA numerical design method relies on the calibration of depth variation functions for individual geotechnical units using idealised homogeneous profiles. It is now possible to calibrate the depth variation functions of all relevant unit ground profiles in a single PLAXIS Monopile Designer project, instead of using one project per unit.
Built-in API p-y curves
Built-in API p-y curves for static loading are now available in Analysis, for easy comparison between the conventional and PISA design methods.
PLAXIS is part of Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company
PLAXIS is part of Seequent, Bentley’s brand for subsurface modelling and analysis applications. As part of this transition, the versioning, logos and splash screens used in various places in the software and installer have seen some minor changes.
Other changes and improvements
  • Output: Added chart for the depth variation of the distributed moment due to vertical shear reaction, m(z).
  • Export to SACS: Changed the unit transformation for the distributed moment to match the M-T curve units used in SACS 2023.2 (kN·m/m). Users exporting to SACS 2023.1 and older versions will need to reduce the values of the distributed moment by a factor of 100, to obtain kN·m/cm.
  • Corrected built-in Bothkennar clay model’s coefficient c8, from -0.08456 to -0.8456.
  • PySide2 was replaced with PyQt5 as the GUI framework for Python applications.

Fixed issues

A large number of issues have been addressed, including:

Download links

You can update to the latest version using the CONNECTION Client, or download the installer via Bentley System's Software downloads.