2 new gINT Rules samples

We have added two new gINT Rules samples available for free from http://communities.bentley.com/products/geotechnical1/w/wiki/3951.gint-rules-samples.aspx.   


Automatically assigns a unique lab number to every new test specimen on saving the specimen table. These numbers are unique across projects, as long as all users are using the same library. The previous maximum number is stored in a library table and there is code in the rule to prevent two users accessing the library table at the same time. This is done by inserting an impossible last maximum number (-1) in the library table and inserting the new maximum when the save is completed. Further, this code waits a prescribed amount of time if a conflict is found to allow the table to become available. If the table does not become free in that time, a message is shown to try saving later or to undo the changes and to fix the problem (instructions given in the message).


Inserts alignment Z values from surfaces. Can select as many alignments and surfaces as desired. Each surface is associated with a specific Z column (specified by the user). In addition, additional alignment points can be inserted by specifying a station increment for calculation of the Z values in addition to the calculation at existing alignment points.

If a point on the alignment has coordinates outside of a surface, the program will clear the Z value at that record and give a message at the end of the running of the code with all such records.

This add-in can be run from any table while in Input. You do not have to be in the alignment tables.

You can see the Z profile lines on your fence reports by selecting one of the alignments whose Z values were populated at output time.

This process has two purposes:   1. By storing the Z values with the alignments once, the output can be significantly faster than specifying the surfaces at output time.   2. The alignment data with the calculated Z values can be exported to Excel or CSV for use with other programs.

The downside of this process is that if the surfaces change, you must re-run this add-in to obtain the updated values. Note that you do not have to erase the previous data. The program will overwrite them.

See Also

gINT Rules Code Manual