gINT to AGS conversion


I am new to AGS format and want to create an AGS file from gINT database. I understand Bentley provides gINT database, library and correspondence files specifically designed to work with AGS formats. However, we use a different gINT format for our needs. What would you suggest is the best way to export data from our database to AGS format: 

1. Export data from our gINT database to the one designed to work with AGS (downloaded from this website) and then export to AGS? 

2. Manually enter the data again into the AGS format gINT database and then export to AGS? 

For the first option to work, I believe we would need to create a correspondence file to link our database to AGS format gINT database? If so, can you please link to suitable guides on how to go about this? 

Thank you. 

Alok Sharma

  • Hi Alok,

    The best option is to use the provided gINT AGS file set. It has everything needed to export to that exact standard.

    You could write your own correspondence file from your database to export directly to AGS , but mapping a non AGS structure is usually complex and you may not have everything needed to be compliant .You would need a good understanding of AGS to write your correspondence file from your own gINT custom database structure.

    Here is a guide on writing a correspondence file, if you would like to look at it.

    A correspondence file is a mapping file to map one database structure to another.

    Applies To Product(s): gINT Logs, gINT Professional, gINT Professional Plus Version(s): N/A Environment: N/A Area: Import Data, Export Data…
    Last edited in OpenGround | gINT | Keynetix > gINT | Keynetix Wiki

    Some additional reference material on the gINT AGS structure in Help....Manuals in gINT, there should be a  manual explaining the process it is called gINT and AGS4

  • Hi Alok,

    The best option is to use the provided gINT AGS file set. It has everything needed to export to that exact standard.

    You could write your own correspondence file from your database to export directly to AGS , but mapping a non AGS structure is usually complex and you may not have everything needed to be compliant .You would need a good understanding of AGS to write your correspondence file from your own gINT custom database structure.

    Here is a guide on writing a correspondence file, if you would like to look at it.

    A correspondence file is a mapping file to map one database structure to another.

    Applies To Product(s): gINT Logs, gINT Professional, gINT Professional Plus Version(s): N/A Environment: N/A Area: Import Data, Export Data…
    Last edited in OpenGround | gINT | Keynetix > gINT | Keynetix Wiki

    Some additional reference material on the gINT AGS structure in Help....Manuals in gINT, there should be a  manual explaining the process it is called gINT and AGS4
