Expression assistance


I have an expression like this


But I want to either use <<PIEZOMETER.Installation_Date>> OR <<POINT.HOLE_Backfill_Date>> with the preference to <<PIEZOMETER.Installation_Date>>

But I am not sure what function to use or how to structure the If statement

Is there a programmer guide in the wiki?
I had a look and couldn't find it in the Wiki


Mark Kleinman

  • There are many ways to do this, an  IIf function or FirstData function would work, but since there are only two options to consider a HasData function is the simplest. The HasData function has 3 arguments....the check field, output if check field has data, output if check field does not have data.  Your function would look something like:


    I'm sure I have mistyped something above so do not take it verbatim. Use the function and field selector in the editing window to make sure the spelling and syntax is correct. You can add formatting to the output dates as you desire.

    When you use the function selector in the editing window, each function is provided with a very brief description, the format, and the required arguments before you select it. I have found it useful to simply read the entire list of available functions just so you have an idea of what is available. 

    The help file has additional information on each function when you are ready to use it. 


    Answer Verified By: Mark Kleinman