how do you add a borehole offset on a fence diagram? as it sits further up from the Control Line as it has a higher elevation and I would like to display that onto the cross section/fence diagram

Hi I am fairly new to gINT, I ahve been using it for a week now so I have a basic understanding of the software and I understand how to enter and pace boreholes and surface lines onto the fence diagram, Howver I am wondering how do you add the offset position of a borehole into the data to show on the cross section/fence diagram? I understand this can easily be done on CAD but I was wondering if there was a method on gINT



  • If you have Northing and Easting coordinates as well as an elevation for your boreholes and you're using a baseline or alignment, then gINT automatically determines the station and offset and plots the borehole at the correct location and elevation. If you want gINT to show the station and offset with text, then you need to add a text entity on your fence diagram and use the following functions:

    For stationing, use <<AlignmentStationFromCoor(<<FenceBLAlignment>>,<<POINT.North>>,<<POINT.East>>)>> and add formatting. There's also the <<StationConv()>> function as well.

    For offset, use <<AlignmentOffsetFromCoor(<<FenceBLAlignment>>,<<POINT.North>>,<<POINT.East>>)>> to get the offset. This will give you a positive number for offsets right of the alignment and negative numbers for offsets left of the alignment. I have formatted mine to always give a positive number and add the words "left" or "right" depending on the case. 

    Note, these functions only work if you have the Alignments support enabled.

  • If you have Northing and Easting coordinates as well as an elevation for your boreholes and you're using a baseline or alignment, then gINT automatically determines the station and offset and plots the borehole at the correct location and elevation. If you want gINT to show the station and offset with text, then you need to add a text entity on your fence diagram and use the following functions:

    For stationing, use <<AlignmentStationFromCoor(<<FenceBLAlignment>>,<<POINT.North>>,<<POINT.East>>)>> and add formatting. There's also the <<StationConv()>> function as well.

    For offset, use <<AlignmentOffsetFromCoor(<<FenceBLAlignment>>,<<POINT.North>>,<<POINT.East>>)>> to get the offset. This will give you a positive number for offsets right of the alignment and negative numbers for offsets left of the alignment. I have formatted mine to always give a positive number and add the words "left" or "right" depending on the case. 

    Note, these functions only work if you have the Alignments support enabled.

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