Correspondence Files: Atterberg Table added field not populating

I added a Field called "Plasticity_String" to the Atterberg table, and I can't get the field to populate. I can populate/import the same data from my Source Lab Specimen table to my target Lab Specimen table, but not to this new field "Plasticity_String" that I added to the Atterberg table. Is the Atterberg table locked against adding additional fields? Im kind of new to the correspondence files and trying to also learn.

  • Assuming that you can manually enter the desired value directly in the project file, the problem is that your correspondence file is trying to draw data from 3 different source tables and gINT has no way of knowing how to link the data into a single record nore how to link that to the parent table. The easiest way is if you have all 3 values you are trying to import in the same table in the source and reference all three to that table. gINT then knows that all three values are related together as one record because the already exist as a record in the source. If you dont have the data in one table in the source, you will have to tell gINT how to relate the data into a single record. This can be done using generic depth and lookup functions but not knowing the structure of your source file I can not offer any suggestions.

    Answer Verified By: Art Koenig