report heading change

is there a way to change the Borehole main heading, I want to change from BORING HOLE to BOREHOLE 

  • The answer is yes.  However, without knowing any details of the library or report that you are using, it is very difficult to give you guidance on how to do it.  I will give you 2 examples which may or may not match your situation.

    The first example is a simple boring log report with no blocks, no user variables, and no smart features.  In this case the label for the borehole number is incorporated directly in the text entity in the header of the report.

    1. In gint, go to the Report Design Tab

    2. Select the report you wish to edit using the yellow pulldown

    3. Double click on the text entity that contains the text you wish to change to open the properties box for that entity.  See the picture below

    4. In the main tab of the properties window change the Text Expression to what you desire.

    5. Select ok and then close the modified report.

    The second example is from the gINT STD US library.  In this case the logs are designed as smart logs so they can handle several different types of borings with one report.  Further the reports are built using blocks to facilitate easy changes across several different reports.  To change the Boring number label in a log of this type.

    1. in gINT open the report design tab

    2. Select the report you wish to edit using the yellow drop down

    3. Select6 Blocks, Edit Log Blocks and then select the block that contains the Boring number, In this case it is the logo and title block

    4. Now you should be able to double click on the Hole number text entity to open the text entity properties window

    5. Note that The Text expression in the main tab of the properties window contains a logical text expression that returns different text based on the data detected.  You can view the entire logical expression by clicking the 3 dots on the right side of the window. See the picture below.

    6. To change this, change the last item in the Switch function from BORING to BOREHOLE. Note that the way this function is structured, the final result will be BOREHOLE NUMBER B-1

    7. Also note that in this case the change will apply to all report forms that use this block.

    Again, your situation is likely different so if these examples do not help you need to provide details on the library and report you wish to edit.  At the very least provide a screen shot of the report design screen that shows the area where the boring number normally appears.  Additional screen shots of the text entity properties windows (multiple tabs if necessary but at least the main tab) and a picture of the current report output marked up with what you want to change are very keep people from answering the wrong question.