Unrecognised table will not be imported error

I am trying to import a "CPT Data" csv into OpenGround and keep getting the error "Unrecognised table will not be imported: CPT Data". The csv has not changed from when I exported the blank version from OpenGround and I tried to do a little troubleshooting with the mapping, but I can't get rid of the error. Please advise.

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the response Martyn. "StaticConePenetrationData" didn't work either. I did see on a previous discussion in this forum that the information shown under Manage Model > Edit Mapping had something to do with the error, so I have provided screenshots of that below. 

    Some csv names I have tried so far are:

    • CPT Data.csv
    • StaticConePenetrationData.csv
    • Static Cone Penetration Tests - Data.csv
    • StaticConePenetrationTestsData.csv
    • CPTData.csv

    all of which have given me the same error.

    Are there any other possibilities we could be missing?


No Data