OG Professional/Data Entry - Image Grid Usage / Image Data Type Bug

Hi all,

I am looking into using an image grid on a borehole log template to show the location of the borehole. The current guides for image grid object usage are unclear. 

I have the following questions:

  1. Is there a better guide available for image grid usage? If not, 

  2. There is a long list of category filters within the image grid object. Where are these categories stored on OpenGround Data Entry / Professional? It is unclear how to upload an image to these categories.

    Edit--- nevermind I figured out how to upload documents, see screenshot below. Still experimenting how to use Image Grid as it's troublesome to determine what image size is needed to print correctly to a report. A guide would still be appreciated to save time as certain things are still unclear. For example, ImageWidth = 16... pixels? millimeters? percentage of merged cell? How does the image width assigned here interact with the image size? Does it stretch or compress the image height/width, if the image height/width ratio is different from the inputs? These types of problems/questions are common throughout Template Studio. I am not sure how to resolve this besides trial and error. 

  3. I created the following header within the LocationDetails group, and added it to the Location Details grid. When I open OpenGround Data Entry, this header does not show up. In addition, it does not show up on OpenGround Template Studio no matter what object type I select, see screenshots below. Is the image data type broken? It does not appear functional. If it's working as intended, how do I use it to print an image to a report?
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