OG Professional / Data Entry - TimeSpan Data Type Bug?

Hi all,

I am trying to make a TimeSpan header for entering rock coring run times. I have found that the TimeSpan data type is not functioning as intended, and am wondering if I am setting it up incorrectly. Please see example below. 

RunTime header created with Units = hh:mm - hh:mm

Units displayed on OG Data Entry only show (hh:mm)

When data is saved in OG Data Entry, the second time is deleted

Attempt to edit the row again to confirm that the value was deleted.


  • Hi Joseph,

    The field has the unit hh:mm, an example for this is 05:00. As it's a duration this would suggest it ran for 5 hours. I can see from your example the duration would be 1 hour as you want from 05:00 to 06:00, so the value you would enter is 01:00. 

    If you want to show the text "05:00 to 06:00" I think you will need to use a different field. 


  • Hi Martyn, 

    Thank you for responding. I think my confusion stems from the units shown (hh:mm - hh:mm) when setting up the TimeSpan Data Type header. Duration is the only Display Type allowed for the TimeSpan Data Type, and all the units available in the dropdown menu show a range, which does not correctly represent how the Duration Display Type is used. 

    In addition, for the DateTime Data Type with the Time Display Type, the only available units are hh:mm:ss - hh:mm:ss. In this scenario I do not want to include seconds. I haven't tested this yet, however I suspect that although the units are hh:mm:ss - hh:mm:ss, OpenGround validation would delete the second value if one were to type a range. 

    I chose not to use a String Data Type to set up these headers because I wanted to borrow the strength of OpenGround display type validation to reduce typos made by data entry staff. 

    I have already completed this task with the Duration Display Type, however, 
    Is there a Data Type and Display Type that can achieve this? If not, can OpenGround users create custom Display Types?

  • I just realized that Units are almost always written as 'units abbreviation - units', for example 'ft - feet' or 'percentage - %', and therefore the Time, TimeSpan, and DateTime data types are working as intended although confusing. 

    In the instance of 'hh:mm - hh:mm' this is confusing to users as it implies a time range, but in actuality does not. I recommend revising the units descriptions for all DateTime, Time, TimeSpan, etc so that the units shown in the heading window are as follows for new configuration packages. 

    • time - hh:mm
    • time - hh:mm:ss
    • datetime - MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss