Geodasy Functions





Removes all characters which are not numeric, decimal points (‘.’) or negation symbols (‘-’).



Combines all values from a particular column where the value in a different column is blank. The values for PROJ_ID and HOLE_ID must be specified either directly or indirectly via a field.

CombineRemarks(‘P001’, ‘BH001’, ‘Blank’, ‘Source’)


Combines all remarks in the current input table for a project and location combination where the depth value is equal to the current row’s depth.

CombineRemarksForDepth(‘P001’, ‘BH001’, ‘DepthColumn’)


Gets the correct top depth value within the GEOL table. This function assumes that GEOL_TOP is present.

GetGeodasyTopDepth(PROJ_ID, HOLE_ID)


Provides the correct top depth value (as GetGeodasyTopDepth) but allows the column names to be specified.

GetGeodasyTopDepthCustomColumns(PROJ_ID, HOLE_ID, ‘Project Column’, ‘Location Column’, ‘Stored Depth Column’, ‘Actual Depth Column’)

‘Actual Depth Column’ will be created if it does not exist and will be used to store the effective top depth value.


Creates a new temporary table which contains individual entries for sieve and percentage passing values. This exists to provide support for lists delimited with a single character, such as ‘^’.


The temporary table will contain a row for each pair and a field per value. The names of the fields will be the same as those specified as the first two arguments.

PrepareParticleTable('SIEVE', 'PPS', '^', 'TemporaryTable')