Format Data in INPUT

Your project data can be formatted in INPUT, and also in the Project Database tab of DATA DESIGN. Several methods are available for this.

You can format your data in input by setting some basic parameters that determine what type of data is allowed in the field. The most basic method is setting the field as to type. For example, to have a field that would always hold numeric data, choose a numeric type like Double or Integer. If a user entered text data, gINT would object and direct the user back to that field to re-enter.

Another method is to set field rules. On a Numeric-type field you can set minimums and maximums to keep the data in a particular range. You can add rounding (which changes the data, eliminating the rounded-off digits), or simply change the display (which preserves the input data, but shows only the desired number number of decimals.)

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On a Text-type field you can set the field hold no more than a set number of characters, and to modify the text case from what is input. 

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All of these can be done in data design as well. Formatting in INPUT gives the user more flexibility to format on the fly. Remember to save desired modifications to the data template.

References - Help Topics
- Search > Field Rules