Creating Custom Calculated Results with Formula User Data Extensions

Part of the Hydraulics and Hydrology Video Series (more info)

Have you ever wished that a certain result field was available? Have you ever wanted to add your own attribute in addition to the other available attributes for your elements? Did you know that User Data Extensions can extend the available attributes of your model elements, including attributes whose value is derived from a formula? To learn more, watch this short video that explains how. The video covers the User Data Extensions dialog and Formula entry window for formula-derived User Data Extensions

Applicable products/versions: WaterCAD, WaterGEMS, HAMMER, SewerCAD, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD - SELECTseries 2 and higher

This video is part of a growing library of useful information designed to provide effective tips and information about time-saving product features within Bentley’s Hydraulics and Hydrology products. Be sure to check back frequently to view the latest video. Better yet, subscribe to this blog by turning Notifications On.

Craig Calvin,
Technical Support Engineer
Bentley Systems, Inc.

See Also

Advanced Water Distribution Modeling and Management

Creating Formula-based User Data Extensions

How do you create an if...then...else conditional statement using the Real(formula) type for a user data extension?