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Color coding is not showing up when the same file is opened in WaterGEM for AutoCAD

I am using WaterGEM for 64 bit and AutoCAD 2014. The color coding I created in the stand alone WaterGEM does not show up in color in WaterGEM for AutoCAD.

How can I make the color code show up?



  • Yoko,

    I believe that you're running into is caused because when an existing project is opened in WaterCAD for AutoCAD what you're doing initially is importing the database file for that project. All the color coding information is stored in the .WTG and .DWG files for the project, so they don't get imported. There's two pretty simple workarounds that I can think of though. 1) Is two copy and paste your color coding from the standalone model to the model in AutoCAD 2) Create what we call a symbology definition that can be export from your standalone model and then imported into another other model you might. This would come in very useful if you have certain color codings or annotations that use on a regular basis for all your models. You'll find the support solution for both of those option in the wiki found below:



  • Question to Mark,

    When I try to edit the color coding when I open the model in WaterGEM for AutoCAD, I see the same color setting as I see in the stand alone. I tried to change the color since there were only two colors, but this did not do anything. I still see white color over black background. In this case, does creating symbology definition or copying color coding useful??

    Perhaps, I should try what the wiki says, but I'm curious to know if the basis of the problem is the same as what written in the wiki.

  • Yoko,

    I'm not sure I understand your question. Can you post some screen shots or use another method to clarify what you're trying to do?



  • Mark,

    The color coding is to easily view the junction without elevation data (=0.00 ft).

  • Yoko,

    I think I understand now. What you're saying is that the color codings are not showing up in your model even though you have them set up, correct? If that is the case here's what you can try. On the WaterCAD/GEMS menu go to Tools > Database Utilities > Synchronize Drawing and see if that helps. If that doesn't help then try to copy and paste it back from standalone again. If that still doesn't help try to delete the color coding and recreate it.

    Yes, if this a color coding that you use all the time with other models then including it in a symbology definition along with the other color codings that you use would be helpful, but I don't think it would help in the case of what you're seeing. The symbology definition for the color coding just make it easier to move all your color codings that you use all the time into a new model at one time. The copy and paste is better if you have a model that has a particular color coding that you don't use as often, but don't want to recreate in the new model.



  • Yoko,

    I think I understand now. What you're saying is that the color codings are not showing up in your model even though you have them set up, correct? If that is the case here's what you can try. On the WaterCAD/GEMS menu go to Tools > Database Utilities > Synchronize Drawing and see if that helps. If that doesn't help then try to copy and paste it back from standalone again. If that still doesn't help try to delete the color coding and recreate it.

    Yes, if this a color coding that you use all the time with other models then including it in a symbology definition along with the other color codings that you use would be helpful, but I don't think it would help in the case of what you're seeing. The symbology definition for the color coding just make it easier to move all your color codings that you use all the time into a new model at one time. The copy and paste is better if you have a model that has a particular color coding that you don't use as often, but don't want to recreate in the new model.



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