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SewerCAD Object reference not set to an instance of an object


The SewerCAD model I was working on Friday (5/4/2018) doesn't show anything in the layout when I opened it on Monday morning (5/7/2018). The Flextables still have all elements. "Zoom to" deosn't do anything. The X and Y coordinates show "NA ft" rather than a number as normal. I compacted the database, synchronized the drawing, and updated data cache, etc. Still can't solve the problem.

I did Trex and pipe split on Friday (5/4/2018). The model was fine when I saved it. I tried to insert the model files but it exceeds 512 KB limit. Can anyone help?

  • All - problem solved. Here are the steps I did:

    1. Uncheck everything in element symbology.

    2. Add a background layer from GIS shapefile.

    3. Zoom to extent. And the model can recognize the X and Y coordinates again.

    4. Turn everything back on in element symbology and they should be there.

    After thought:

    It almost seems that SewerCAD cannot reconcile the geo reference of its elements and need an external geo reference system to reset the coordinates. Any other thoughts?

  • Hello Da,

    Try opening SewerCAD without any models open. Then go to File > Import > SewerCAD Database.
    This will open the model using only the database file. If it opens this way, then there is likely an issue with one of the supporting files.
    Please upload the model files (.stsw, and .sqlite) using one of the methods in the following link for us to review.

    Sharing Hydraulic Model Files on the Haestad Forum



    Craig Calvin

    Bentley Technical Support

  • I will upload the files using the private link. The model has two issues:
    1. It cannot display the elements upon opening. The solution I posted earlier is a patch solution.

    2. The model crushes when I hit "Compute". It shows "Benley SewerCAD has stopped working" everytime.

    I'd appreciate your help!

  • Hello Da, 

    I will work with you in the service request I opened for now. Once there is a resolution, I will post something here.



  • Hello Da,

    The reason why the model appears blank is because it is trying to fit a node into the drawing pane (labeled “70-66”) that is at an extremely large coordinate. This element was set to inactive, and the problem does not occur when the "display active topology" setting is disabled in the Tools>Options window, but when that option is checked (with the default gray color for example), the problem can be seen.

    To resolve this, remove the "bad" manhole or fix the coordinates. You can do this by right clicking on the row header, choose Zoom To, then right click in the drawing and choose Delete. Below is a screenshot showing the values.

    This wiki article addresses this situation (see item #5) : Drawing pane is blank or empty - no model elements appear


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

    Answer Verified By: Sushma Choure