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Variable Speed Pump Battery with a multi-point pump curve with more than 2 points......

I get the following error message:

"Variable Speed Pump Battery with a multi-point pump curve with more than 2 points, more than 0 lag pumps and either linear interpolation of multi-point pump curves or EPANET compatibility mode enabled. Due to the way the VSP algorithm works this specific combination of settings is not supported. Please either change the pump curve to a type other than multi-point, reduce the curve to 2 points, reduce the number of lag pumps to 0, or disable the linear interpolation of multiple-point curves (or avoid using an EPANET compatibility mode). Changing any one of these things should resolve the issue."

I can get around the error by changing one of the recommended settings.  I'm only posting to ask if one of the changes is best?

  • Hello,

    Ultimately, this is message related to the fact that the EPANET compatibility mode doesn't support variable speed pumps or VSPBs. This link has information on elements that are in WaterGEMS and WaterCAD that are not supported in EPANET.

    The best solution would be to open the calculation options properties and set "Engine Compatibility" to "WaterGEMS 2.00.12." No change to the VSPB pump curve or number of lag pumps will be required from this adjustment. 



  • If you must maintain EPANET-compatible results (no Bentley/WaterGEMS enhancements to the solver), then you may want to look into estimating the pump curve with the "3 point" option. If you can find a 3-point curve that matches well to the one that you had established with the multi-point option, then that would probably be a better solution for you. However as Scott said, VSPB's are not in EPANET so you've already configured your model in a way that can't truly be EPANET-compatible and hence the switch to the "WaterGEMS" solver version is likely the best solution.


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

    Answer Verified By: tschrage