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Can I connect a lift station to pond in SewerCAD?


I'm modelling a simple treatment system to determine the hydraulics between each component of the system. In a particular section of the model, I am pumping from a wet well up to a lagoon. Is there a way I can connect a pressurized pipe to a pond? I have tried connected a pressure pipe to a manhole and connecting by a small length of pipe (0.1 m) to the outfall into the pond. This allows the model to work, but its not clear if this is an accurate solution to the problem.

  • Charlie, 

    There is not a way to connect a pressure pipe directly to a pond, so what you've done is probably mostly correct. What you should do to make certain the short length of gravity main doesn't have any hydraulic effect or cause a problem for the calculation engine, which it likely won't at that length anyhow, is to make the size really large like 3 meters. The pipe can also be changed to virtual pipe by changing the 'section type' attribute, which is basically the same thing as changing the section size to large diameter. 



  • Hello Charlie,

    If the pond is only used to model a tailwater condition (downstream hydraulic grade) for the pond, you could consider removing the pond, placing the outfall at the end of the pressure pipe, and setting the boundary type to User Defined tailwater, then set the tailwater elevation to the elevation that you had used for the pond. If you need to account for storage effects, then including the pond as you have done makes sense. If you had another pump pumping out of the pond, then you could use the wetwell element instead (and connect the upstream pressure pipe directly to the wetwell), but if you need a pond outlet structure to drain the pond, then the pond element would be used.

    I have added a note to the following article from our Wiki: How do you direct flow from a channel or pipe into a pond?


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.