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Showing pipe table with sizes in WaterCAD

I'm trying to provide a report of a water model to a reviewing agency. They do not have WaterCAD to open the model. I was able to send the report with flow data. Is there a way I can give a table that shows the pipe label with the pipe size? It seems very simple, but I'm struggling to find how to do this.

Thank you for any help!

  • Hi Amy Downhour,

    Report output is based on the columns selected in your FlexTable.
    Columns in a FlexTable can be customized by clicking the Edit button at the top of the FlexTable to choose which fields you would like to display.  This is explained in this Wiki article.
    After customizing the FlexTable with the columns you wish to display, the report will display these selected columns.

    Please reply if this does not satisfy your query or if you do not see the desired results.
