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The link between the micro drain and macro drainage

Hello everyone! I'm using SewerGEMS to simulate an existing drainage project. So, I would like to know how I can represent the link between the conduit and the channel. How you can see above, in the image we have a conduit reaching a channel. I want to simulate the channel behavior too, so I need to consider the results of the conduits, simulating the whole system together, but I don't know how I can do it...

I put Outfall but is not what I want. I tried use Tap points too, but don't work for channels...

  • Hello Luis, 

    You can use cross section element to connect conduit to a channel, that would work as channel can be connected with cross section elements. 

    Outfall is used as end of the network or with ponds not as intermediate connecting element. 

    Have a look at sample model - office project located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\SewerGEMS\Samples\Office Project, its a good learning example for connectivity.

    Here is learning resource guide, for your reference. 

    Learning Resource Guide for new users of Bentley SewerGEMS


    Sushma Choure

    Bentley Technical Suppport

  • Hello Sushma!

    Well, firstly, thanks for the help! I saw the example and as I understand it, maybe will work that way:

    I used an outfall element and link him to channel cross-section. I believe that now the channel cross-section point will receive the flow from the conduits. Thus I'll get simulate the relationship between the two systems.

  • Luis,

    The conduit would connect directly to the cross section element without the need for the outfall node:

    You can right click near the end of your existing conduit, choose Reconnect, then click on the cross section to connect it, then delete the outfall.

    If the pipe that connects to this channel has a headwall/endwall (for example a culvert), you could also use a headwall element. You can read more about the use of headwalls here: Modeling Reference - Headwalls


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.