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Hammer Surge tank

How to decide surge tank height in Hammer analysis ?
If we supply water from one reservoir to other reservoir.
Is there any profile available in hammer to view surge tank water level?

  • Hello Absar,

    There isn't any specific guidance for determining the size of the surge tank. If you want the surge tank sized so it doesn't overtop, you can try different settings in the calculation. One thing to keep in mind is that properties like ratio of losses and other surge tank properties can impact the results as well, so you will want to consider these settings as well.

    I would recommend reviewing the surge tank modeling reference for more information on surge tanks: Modeling Reference - Surge Tanks.



  • To add to Scott's answer - 

    • Scenarios and alternatives can be used to try several different surge tank configurations and you can compare the effectiveness to help you decide on a surge protection approach.
    • A surge tank may need to be constructed physically as high as the hydraulic grade line, or sometimes a "one way" surge tank can be used, which has a check valve that only lets flow out (on a low pressure transient event). This may not be as effective as the volume of water released to keep the water column moving is not as large as if the tank was built as high as the HGL. See more about this in the article Scott shared.
    • Other transient protection approaches could be considered and compared, such as a hydropneumatic tank or pump flywheel.
    • Regarding viewing the water level in a surge tank during a transient simulation - for a two-way surge tank, the water level is roughly equal to the hydraulic grade line seen in the profile animation in the Transient Results Viewer (be sure to choose "true" for the "Generate animation data" calculation option). It is different for a one-way surge tank, and can also be slightly different than the HGL even in a two-way surge tank due to the inlet headlosses. You can see a report of the actual water level over time in the Extended Node Data tab of the Transient Results Viewer (in the latest version). See more about that in the "Reporting" section of the article Scott shared.


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.