Mohid Ocean Downscalling

Hello, I am performing a dynamic downscaling from the output of the MPI-ESM-MR model from the CMIP5 database. I found a guide ( but I have some doubts... The first step says that I should do a bathymetry transition and the second step an interpolation. The question is which is the parent and child bathymetry file and the parent and child grd file.

  • Hi,

    Regarding the bathymetry transition, you don't always need to do that, but it's quite useful if the grid and bathymetry of the solution you're downscaling from is very different from the one you've setup, which is often the case. 

    For this you need to run a tool, from the MOHID framework, that is not distributed with OpenFlows FLOOD. 

    The tool consist of 2 programs. You can read more about what they do in the MOHID wiki articles:

    You can download a copy of the program here to use at your discretion. Please follow these instructions:

    1. Unzip to a folder in your computer.
    2. Read the instructions in the wiki articles mentioned above, and edit and save the files " SmoothBatimCoef.dat" and "SmoothBatimNesting.dat" accordingly.
    3. Run the RUN.BAT file by double-clicking it.
    4. A new Grid Data bathymetry file will be generated which you should use in your model setup

    In this tool the parent model would be the MPI-ESM-MR model. You need to create a bathymetry file in MOHID format using the bathymetry data from he MPI-ESM-MR model. The child model will be the one you're setting up (MOHID). 

    As for the interpolation, the ConvertToHDF5 tool has a function to interpolate from the parent grid (MPI-ESM-MR) to the child grid (MOHID), as mentioned in the wiki article you've read. See an example here. Again the parent and child grids will be the same as in the bathymetry transition tool. 

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    Regarding the bathymetry transition, you don't always need to do that, but it's quite useful if the grid and bathymetry of the solution you're downscaling from is very different from the one you've setup, which is often the case. 

    For this you need to run a tool, from the MOHID framework, that is not distributed with OpenFlows FLOOD. 

    The tool consist of 2 programs. You can read more about what they do in the MOHID wiki articles:

    You can download a copy of the program here to use at your discretion. Please follow these instructions:

    1. Unzip to a folder in your computer.
    2. Read the instructions in the wiki articles mentioned above, and edit and save the files " SmoothBatimCoef.dat" and "SmoothBatimNesting.dat" accordingly.
    3. Run the RUN.BAT file by double-clicking it.
    4. A new Grid Data bathymetry file will be generated which you should use in your model setup

    In this tool the parent model would be the MPI-ESM-MR model. You need to create a bathymetry file in MOHID format using the bathymetry data from he MPI-ESM-MR model. The child model will be the one you're setting up (MOHID). 

    As for the interpolation, the ConvertToHDF5 tool has a function to interpolate from the parent grid (MPI-ESM-MR) to the child grid (MOHID), as mentioned in the wiki article you've read. See an example here. Again the parent and child grids will be the same as in the bathymetry transition tool. 

    Kind regards,
