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Hammer Issue with Hydropneumatics Tank

Hello Bentley,

I am getting notification "Hydropneumatic tank elements are not supported by EPANET; results may not match EPANET." while computing initial condition in hammer. Please clarify the issue.


Ankit Kumar 

  • Ankit, it sounds like you may be using the EPANET solver for the initial conditions. This can happen for example  if the model was created by importing an EPANET INP file. 

    The message is telling you that this element (hydropneumatic tank) is not a feature in EPANET itself and therefore the results will likely not match if the model (initial conditions) were to be computed in EPANET itself. (for example if you exported to INP and opened it in EPANET itself).

    You can either ignore this message and carefully review the hydropneumatic tank initial conditions results, or change the initial conditions solver from EPANET to WaterGEMS. See more here:

    Note that if you have not done so already, you may want to consider confirming that you are using a steady state simulation for the initial conditions and that the hydropneumatic tank "treat as junction?" property is set to "True". This models the tank "floating" on the system HGL, as explained here: Modeling Reference - Hydropneumatic Tanks


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.