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Is there a way to isolate all elements (including catchments) upstream from a specific node?

IOW.....I have a large model with about 350 catchments....I want to isolate certain sections of the model....I want to do this by deleting or making inactive certain portions by picking a node and having SewerGEMS select all elements upstream from that node....can I do this?  I found the predefined query which selects all pipes and structures upstream from a node but it does not select the catchments......

  • Hello Jason,

    If you take advantage of the ArcGIS platform of SewerGEMS, you might be able to do this. This is a good example of how SewerGEMS' interoperability can enhance functionality, through the expanded library of modeling and drawing tools.

    Consider the below small example model:


    Let's say you want to select all catchments upstream of CB-2. Go to SewerGEMS > View > Network Navigator. Under Network Trace, choose "Trace Upstream".


    Choose CB-2 as the "downstream element" in the query and click the "select in drawing" button.


    With the pipes and nodes upstream of CB-2 selected, go to the Selection menu and choose "Select By Location". Choose to "select features from" the catchment layer, that are within a distance of the catch basin layer. If the catchments are closer to the conduits or if you're using manholes, select that instead. Be sure to check the box for "use selected features", so that it considers the elements that the query just selected. Enter an appropriate tolerance, which will be the distance between the catchbasin and the catchment. You'll need to choose a distance that's large enough to select catchments that should be selected, yet small enough so as not to select catchments that should not be selected (that aren't actually upstream of the elements selected by the query).


    Click Apply > OK - the upstream catchments should now be selected.


    At this point, you can right click in the drawing (using the SewerGEMS Select tool), choose "edit group" and open the catchment table. it will be filtered to show only those catchments. Or, if you'd like to create a selection set for future use, right click in the drawing and choose "Create selection set".

    Hopefully your catchments are arranged in such a way that this will work for you. As you can see, SewerGEMS' interoperability can greatly increase its usability, as you're able to take advantage of tools in the other platforms.



    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.