Morphing conduits into pressure pipes

Product(s): SewerCAD, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD
Version(s): CONNECT Edition, V8i
Area: Modeling


Is it possible to change or morph a conduit into a pressure pipe or vice versa?


There are ways to morph link elements like conduits and pressure pipes into another link. There are two possible ways, depending on the number of elements to be changed.

1. Use Morphing function

If you have only one or a handful of links to alter, the simplest method is to use the morphing function found when a user right-clicks on a link. For instance, if you want to change a conduit into a pressure pipe, right-click on the conduit and choose "Morph Conduit to Pressure Pipe".

After selecting this, the conduit will change into a pressure pipe and retain properties that the two elements share, such as diameter and material. If you select a pressure pipe to morph into a conduit, the right-click menu will state "Morph Pressure Pipe to Conduit" instead.

2. Using ModelBuilder

If you need to change a lot of elements, individually selecting them to manually morph may be impractical. In such a case, you could try using ModelBuilder. If you wanted to change conduits into pressure pipes, you would first need to open the conduit FlexTable and choose the Export to File button. This will allow you to create a selection set of the elements in the FlexTable.

After removing the conduits from the model, but leaving the nodes in place, open ModelBuilder. Choose a source file type of Shapefile and choose the shapefile you created. When you are mapping the data from the shapefile to the program, instead of choose Conduit as the element, you would choose Pressure Pipe. When the ModelBuilder process is completed, the pressure pipes should be imported into the model.

Note: You may want to create a selection set of conduits as you will likely not want to change all conduits in the model to pressure pipes. You can then filter the FlexTable to view only the elements in the selection set and export these to a shapefile.

See Also

Using ModelBuilder to Import External Data
