Error: Access to path is denied

Applies To
Product(s):  WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, CivilStorm, StormCAD, HAMMER, PondPack
Version(s): CONNECT Edition, V8i
Area: Calculations
Original Author: Scott Kampa, Bentley Technical Support Group



When opening or computing a model, the following message is generated:

"Access to path ______ is denied"


Check folder permissions

If the error occurs when attempting to compute the model and displays the path to the model file you are trying to open, the problem may be related to the user permissions for that particular folder. Check your Windows user permissions and permissions to that particular folder. Contact your Administrator if needed.

Delete the files in the temp folder

If the error refers to a temporary folder path, this can occur if there is an issue with a file in the temp folder. Note that the path to the temp folder may be different on different machines. Close the program and browse to the temp folder. Delete the items in the folder. Reopen the program and compute the model. The error message should no longer occur.

Delete all the files except the files necessary to run the program

Browse to where you files are located and delete all the output files except those necessary to run the model. The necessary files for the OpenFlows hydraulic programs can be found in this wiki. As an example, for WaterGEMS, you can move the .wtg and .wtg.sqlite files to a new folder. For SewerGEMS, the files would be the .stsw and .stsw.sqlite files. For PondPack, the files would be the .ppc and .ppc.mdb files.

Save the file to a shorter file path

For example, if the file path was "D:\<folder1>\<folder2>\folder<3>\folder<4>\"  try saving it to "D:\<folder1>\<folder2>\" 

Move the files to the local C: drive

Take the files associated with the program and move them to a location on the C: drive

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  • Last revision by Bentley Colleague
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  • Revisions: 8
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