Loadbuilder error: "There are no results available for the given input parameters"

Product(s): WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, WaterCAD, StormCAD, PondPack, SewerCAD
Version: CONNECT Edition, V8i
Area:  Layout and Data Input


User gets error message 'There are no results available for the given input parameters. Please verify your data and try again.' when trying to import files into LoadBuilder.


This error message is generated when the geographic coordinate system units being imported and the WaterGEMS model coordinates do not match. Update the geographic coordinate system using ArcGIS, AutoCAD, or MicorStation to use the same state plane coordinate system or use the integrated platform product (e.g. WaterGEMS for ArcMap) to change the geographic coordinate units so they both match.
