Citect is not available when running as 64-bit

Applies To 
Version(s):V8i, CONNECT Edition
Area: Modeling
Original Author:Akshaya Niraula, Bentley Technical Support Group



The following error occurs when trying to connect to a Citect data source in SCADAConnect:

Citect is not available when running as 64-bit.
Please open up the 32-bit version of WaterGEMS.


The versions of Citect that WaterGEMS Supports (7.2 through 7.4) are only in 32-bit, so WaterGEMS must also run in 32-bit mode in order to communicate with the Citect files/server.

To open the 32-bit version, navigate to, or change your shortcut to point to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\WaterGEMS\watergems.exe

Note: We strongly recommend that you connect directly to the Historian if possible, instead of using a connection like Citect. This is a Best Practice as the Historian will be read-only and is typically outside of any SCADA firewall.

See Also

SCADAConnect Simulator for WaterGEMS (V8i SELECTseries 6 and CONNECT Edition)

SCADAConnect using Citect Server as data source

Citect ctAPI dlls are missing - SCADAConnect - Connection Manager - Citect Connection