Editing the format or units in the Transient Analysis Detailed Report or Transient Analysis Output Log

Applies To 
Product(s): HAMMER
Version(s): V8i, CONNECT Edition
Area:  Output and Reporting
 Original Author: Scott Kampa, Bentley Technical Support Group


Is it possible to edit the formatting of the Transient Analysis Detailed Report or Transient Analysis Output Log?


This is not possible at this time. However, starting with HAMMER V8i SELECTseries 5, additional results previously found only in the Transient Analysis Detailed Report can now be found in the Transient Results Viewer. A new "Extended Node Data" tab has been added. Currently this will display data for pump and hydropneumatic tank elements. For other elements, you will need to continue using the text reports. Additional element types and results will be added to the Transient Results Viewer in the future.

Note that data in the Transient Results Viewer can be exported into another format, such as Excel. Steps to do this can be found in the link below.

See Also

Generating graphs from extended results in Detailed Reports
