How are "pipe sets" and "nodes of interest" used in a flushing analysis to get auxiliary results at

 Applies To 
 Version(s):08.11.XX.XX, 10.XX.XX.XX


How are "pipe sets" and "nodes of interest" used in a flushing analysis?


What is the best way to structure a project if  you are doing many analyses and have many different pipe sets?


How do I find the residual pressure at another hydrant during a flushing analysis?


"Pipe Sets" by definition are the collection of pipes for which the target velocity will be compared with the maximum velocity achieved by flushing. 

"Nodes of Interest" operate similar to the Pipe Set, except they select nodes that will always appear in the auxiliary results.

Pipe sets and the nodes of interest will define areas in your model that will allow each flushing event to compare properties such as maximum velocity, residual pressure, hydraulic grade, and other auxiliary results. Auxiliary results will only be shown for the pipes and nodes that are located in these collections (pipe sets and nodes of interest) when using the flushing results browser.

If you have many different pipe sets for a project the best way to set up your flushing manager is to right click on the Study Area folder to highlight it then right click > Add > New Area. With each new area you create you can define a new pipe set or node of interest collection that will allow you to organize flushing events by a certain extent.  For example, if you are flushing a certain area in the northwest of you model you would want to have a pipe set that relatively defines that location rather than including pipes that may lie in the southeast of your model, which are not related to the area being flushed.  

See Also

Flushing in WaterGEMS/CAD Select Series 4 +

Flushing in WaterGEMS/CAD Select Series 6