SewerCAD and SewerGEMS model file compatibility

  Applies To 
  Product(s): SewerCAD, SewerGEMS
  Version(s): All
  Area:  Layout and Data Input
  Original Author: Jesse Dringoli, Bentley Technical Support Group


What are the differences between the different versions of SewerCAD and SewerGEMS, in terms of how they can exchange / save / import / export models between them?

Problem Number 33479


In general, recent versions of SewerCAD and SewerGEMS model files are compatible as they use the same underlying database format. A model saved in SewerCAD can be opened in SewerGEMS (and vice versa), as long as the model you are opening was last saved in a version number that is equal to or older than the version that you are trying to open it in. For example if you have SewerGEMS CONNECT Edition 10.00.XX.XX and want to open a SewerCAD model, the SewerCAD model needs to be saved in a SewerCAD version of 10.00.XX.XX or earlier.

To find what version you have, either go to File > Help > About (for the CONNECT Edition), or Help > About (for V8i and earlier).

To find what version a model was last saved in, see: How to find the version a model was created in and last saved in

Further details are as follows:

SewerCAD and SewerGEMS V8i and greater (including CONNECT Edition)

1) Both can directly open model files saved in the other format (unified database schema)
2) It cannot export to SewerCAD 5.6
3) It cannot import "exchange database" SewerCAD 5.6 models
4) If opening a model file saved in SewerGEMS, to be compatible with SewerCAD the solver needs to be set to GVF-Convex in the calculation options

SewerGEMS V8i

1) It cannot import "exchange database" SewerCAD 5.6 models
2) It cannot export to SewerCAD 5.6.
3) It cannot export to SewerCAD V8i but SewerCAD V8i can directly import it
4) It can directly import SewerCAD V8i models

SewerGEMS V8 and V8 XM (08.09.XX.XX)

1) It can import "exchange database" SewerCAD 5.6 models
2) It cannot export to SewerCAD 5.6.
3) It cannot export to SewerCAD V8 but SewerCAD V8 can directly import it
4) It cannot import SewerCAD V8 models

SewerCAD V8 XM or V8i, up to

1) It can directly import SewerGEMS V8 XM ( and V8i ( model files
2) It cannot export to SewerGEMS V8i but SewerGEMS V8i can directly import it
3) It can directly open SewerCAD 5.6 files
4) It cannot save "down" to 5.6 format.

SewerCAD 5.6

1) It can export to "exchange database" which can then be imported into SewerGEMS V8 XM
2) It cannot import SewerGEMS V8 or V8 XM files.
3) It cannot open SewerCAD V8 files.

See Also

SewerCAD (GVF Convex Solver) vs. SewerGEMS/CivilStorm (Implicit and Explicit Dynamic solvers) vs. StormCAD (GVF Rational Solver)?
