Is it possible to have a storm event start at a different time than the model simulation?

Product(s):Bentley SewerGEMS, Bentley SewerCAD, Bentley CivilStorm
Version(s):08.11.xx.xx, 10.XX.XX.XX

Problem Description

Is it possible to have a storm event start at a different time than the model simulation? For instance, if I want the storm event to start at hour 24 of a 48 hour simulation.

Steps to Resolve

It is possible to have a storm start at a time other than time zero. This is done when initially setting up the storm event. When you create the Time-Depth or Time-Intensity storm, you have the option to enter the start time for the storm, as well as the increment and the duration.


When this is done, the storm should start at a time other than the initial time step.

If you are using the RTK Hydrograph Method, you may need to actually keep the start time at 0 hours, but have the storm data start at a later time. For instance, if you have a 48 hour storm set and the actual rainfall starts at hour 24, you would keep the rainfall amount as zero for the for the first 24 hours of the table and have the data start at hour 24. 

 Original Author:Scott Kampa