Which dimensions are used when inputting grate information for inlets in StormCAD ?


  Product(s): StormCAD, CivilStorm, SewerGEMS
  Area: Layout and Data Input

  Original Author: Kathy Wiggins, Bentley Technical Support Group


Which dimensions are used when inputting grate information for inlets in StormCAD?


The user should reference the HEC-22 manual for detailed diagrams and/or information. This HEC-22 manual is found in the FlowMaster install folder typically found at "C:\ProgramFiles x86\Bentley\FlowMaster".

When inputting the data (dimensions) of a grate, the user should use the dimensions of the entire grate itself. StormCAD automatically figures out the opening area (based on the type and external dimensions), using HEC-22, which has an opening ratio for each grate type.
