Deleted elements still show in FlexTable and/or drawing pane

  Product(s): WaterGEMS, SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, PondPack, SewerCAD, HAMMER, WaterCAD
  Version(s): 10.00.XX.XX, 08.11.XX.XX
  Area: Modeling


Elements deleted from the model still appear in the FlexTable or in the drawing pane. Is there a way to fix this?

Problem ID#: 71490


This is a rare occurrence and is usually an indication that there is some sort of corruption in a file.

Option 1 - Compact the database

Run the compact database tool. In CONNECT Edition, this is found by going to File > Database Utilities > Compact Database. In V8i, it is found by going to Tools > Database Utilities > Compact Database. Also synchronize the drawing by going to File > Database Utilities > Synchronize Drawing (in CONNECT Editiong) or Tools > Database Utilities > Synchronize Drawing (for V8i). 

If you are working in the AutoCAD platform, you can do these functions from the WaterCAD ribbons. You can also add the menubar to the drawing pane. There will be a pulldown menu for the OpenFlows product. In this pulldown choose Tools > Database Utilities, and you will see Compact Database and Synchronize Drawing there.

Option 2 - Delete the backup and report files Or isolate the model files 

Delete all of the backup (.BAK) and report files (.OUT, .RPC, .ALM, etc...) or move them to a different folder location. When you have only the .wtg and .wtg.sqlite (for water products) or .stsw and .stsw.sqlite (for the storm and sewer products) files in a folder open the model file and try deleting the errant element(s) or run the compact database again.

Option 3 - Import the database

Import the database file by going to File > Import > <Product_Name>database and choose the database file.

  • Created by Bentley Colleague
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  • Last revision by Bentley Colleague
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  • Revisions: 10
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