Catchment option not available in Modelbuilder when using DXF with polygons

  Product(s): StormCAD, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, CivilStorm
  Version(s): 08.11.XX.XX, 10.XX.XX.XX
  Area: Other


I'm using a DXF file in modelbuilder and I don't get the option to make my polygon elements into catchments. I only get the option to make them conduits, gutters, or other line type elements. Why is this?

Problem ID#: 85850


This can happen if the shapes in the DXF are actually polylines that look like closed shapes.

To fix this, open your file in AutoCAD or MicroStation and set the property titled "Closed" to "Yes" for all the shapes that are going to represent your catchment elements.

Once you do this and then save the file again you can open the dxf in modelbuilder and it will be recognized as having a polygon shape, thereby giving you the option to
convert it into a catchment in.

See Also

Importing an AutoCAD or MicroStation CAD file using ModelBuilder 

Using ModelBuilder to Import External Data 
