Why does the gutter need to be defined in both the catch basin and gutter element?

 Product(s): StormCAD, CivilStorm,SewerGEMS, FlowMaster
 Version(s):10.00.xx.xx, 08.11.xx.xx


The gutter and catch basin elements both seem to have the same fields for defining whether the gutter was depressed and then what the gutter cross slope and gutter width are. Why is that?

Problem ID#: 88880


In the gutter element these fields define the gutter shape up to (upstream of) the inlet itself. In the inlet (catchbasin) these fields define the gutter shape just on the upstream side of the inlet opening where the spread is highest (before some is captured by the inlet). The gutter shape can be different at these locations if there is a local depression at the inlet location.

In cases where the gutter shape is the same as the gutter at the upstream inlet location, choose "Same as Start Node Gutter" for the field "Gutter Type" in the properties of the gutter. Note however that the results in the gutter could still be looking at two different geometries, because the "start" side of the gutter is from the gutter link geometry and the "stop" side is from the downstream catchbasin.


 Original Author:Mark Pachlhofer