Non-English characters (Hebrew, Arabic, etc) not displaying correctly in DXF or Shapefile Background

 Applies To 
 Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, HAMMER, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm, PondPack
 Area: Layout and Data Input
 Original Author:Scott Kampa, Bentley Technical Support Group


A background file or element annotations (such as Label) with non-English text is not displaying properly when a .DXF file is loaded as a background file. For example Hebrew of Arabic writing is shown backwards.


First, for background files, confirm that the text appears correctly when the file is opened in AutoCAD or ArcGIS. If the file is a shapefile, try converting the labels to be annotations and push those out as DXF or as a TEXT shapefile. Only then can H&H products use them as background.

If the information above doesn't help, try the following steps. These use WaterGEMS as an example, so replace "WaterGEMS" with your other product name as needed:

First, close the program. Then, navigate to the file Haestad.Framework.Application.GlobalUserOptions.xml in Windows Explorer:

Using Windows 7/8/10 and V8i as the product version:


Using Windows 7/8/10 and CONNECT Edition as the product version:

 C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Bentley\WaterGEMS\10

Open the file with a text editor (right click > Edit or Right click > Open With), and locate the <GraphicalDomainOptions ...> tag. In that tag, there are quite a few attributes. Look for the attribute named "InternationalTextSupportEnabled". If it is there in the file, set it to "true". If it is NOT there in the file, you can do one of two things:

1. Add it to the list of attributes: InternationalTextSupportEnabled="true"
2. Run the standalone version of the Bentley product, create a new file, then close the app. It should show up at that point.

Make sure when following the steps above that the Bentley product is NOT running.  

See Also

Text is not displaying in my DXF background file in the standalone environment

Application crash with non-English characters (Hebrew, Arabic, etc) in background image file or folder name