How is the wet well Depth (Node) field calculated?

  Product(s): SewerGEMS
  Environment: N\A
  Area: Output and Reporting
  Subarea: N\A


How is the wet well Depth (Node) field calculated?

For the GVF-Convex solver:
Depth (Node) = Hydraulic Grade - Elevation (Base)

For the Explicit (SWMM) and Implicit (Dynamic Wave) solvers:
Depth (Node) = Hydraulic Grade - Elevation (Minimum)


Why doesn't the Depth(Node) field match the wet well hydraulic grade?

Prior to the release of the patch set dated May 25th 2016, the GVF-Convex solver calculated the Depth (Node) field as shown below:

If the wet well's "Elevation (Initial)" is less than the upstream pipe's "Hydraulic Grade Line (Out)":

The wet well "Depth (Node)" field is calculated by subtracting the wet well's "Elevation (Base)" from the calculated "Hydraulic Grade Line (Out)" value of the upstream pipe.

If the wet well's "Elevation (Initial)" is greater than the upstream pipe's "Hydraulic Grade Line (Out)":

The wet well "Depth (Node)" field is calculated by subtracting the wet well's "Elevation (Base)" from "Elevation (Initial)".

If the latest patch set (dated May 25th, 2016 or later) is applied, the Depth (Node) will no longer user the upstream pipes hydraulic grade.

See Also

What does the 'depth' in a Catchment Basin mean in SewerCAD and why it is different from the hydraulic grade ?

Cumulative patch sets for Hydraulics and Hydrology products

Downloading OpenFlows | Hydraulics and Hydrology Software

  Original Author: Craig Calvin