User notification for nodes disconnected from an outfall, however all nodes appear to be connected

  Product(s): Bentley SewerGEMS, Bentley CivilStorm, Bentley SewerCAD, Bentley StormCAD
  Version(s): 10.00.xx.xx, 08.11.xx.xx
  Environment: N\A
  Area: Modeling


When computing a SewerGEMS model, a user notification appears that says that nodes are disconnected from an outfall. However, all nodes appear to be connected.


This issue has been known to occur if the conduit property "Conduit Type" is blank. This is a rare condition, but can be fixed using the following steps.

In the Conduit flextable, set the Conduit Type field to either User Defined Conduit or Catalog Conduit. You can use the global edit function to do this, however if some of your conduits are User Defined and some are Catalog conduits, this may not be the best solution.

In the case where you have some user defined and some catalog conduits, you can filter the flextable so only the blank elements are displayed. To do this, right-click on the Conduit Type column header and choose Filter > Custom. You will receive a Filter dialog. From the list in the upper-left, double-click "Conduit Type". Next, click the = sign from the upper-middle. Then in the lower dialog, enter the number 2. When you click okay, only the conduits where Conduit Type is blank will be listed. Now you can global edit the column to make these all User Defined Conduits (or Catalog Conduits, though you will also need to define the catalog conduit used). Finally, reset the filter by right-clicking on the column header again and choosing Filter > Reset.
