Can an outfall discharge to a downstream element?

Product(s): SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, SewerCAD, StormCAD
Version(s): 10.XX.XX.XX, 08.11.XX.XX
Area: Layout and Data Input


Can an outfall discharge to a downstream element?


Outfalls represent the ultimate termination points in a network. Outfall elements cannot be connected downstream to links but must either be the terminal node or associated with a pond. When using the explicit solver, only one conduit can be connected to an outfall. An outfall cannot be connected to other elements through a gutter.

Note that ponds are available to be used in SewerCAD and StormCAD versions 08.11.03.XX or later (ie. GVF Convex and GVF Rational solvers), however they will be treated similarly to a manhole node.

See Also

Help "Connectivity Rules for Storm and Sanitary Models"
Help "Ponds in StormCAD"
Help "Ponds in SewerCAD"

How do you direct flow from a channel or conduit into a pond?
