User Notification, "The culverts outlet coefficients are to be defined by the Stop Node, but that node is not a Headwall"

Product(s): SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, SewerCAD
Version(s): 08.11.XX.XX, 10.XX.XX.XX
Area: Output and Reporting


User Notification, "The culverts outlet coefficients are to be defined by the Stop Node, but that node is not a Headwall" occurs when the conduit downstream of the headwall is set to "Is Culvert?" = 'True' and the downstream endwall type is set to "Use Stop Node", but the stop node is not a headwall.  


With a headwall at the upstream end and a catch basin at the downstream end of your conduit with the properties set as above you'll have an improper configuration. As a workaround set the properties for the Culvert that is upstream of the catch basin to use a "Downstream Endwall Definition Type" of  "Use Conduit" with a "Culvert Endwall" property type set to  0 degree wingwall flares with a Kr value of 0.00.The wingwall will provide little to no hydraulic friction loss and will be a valid configuration.

See Also


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